The Grob Opening is an unusual Chess Opening characterized by the first move 1. g4


Grob Opening


It would appear that this move is a violation of the “Opening Principles” of chess. Instead of claiming the center with his first move, which chooses to advance a flank pawn to a vulnerable square in the Grob Opening.



After black’s most popular response 1…d5, the g4 pawn is already under attack! But white has some ideas of their own in this unusual opening.

For starters, this pawn may advance to g5 in some lines, potentially kicking away a black knight from the f6 square. Secondly, white may not even defend this pawn, and proceed to put pressure against white’s center. Let’s consider the most popular line that implements this second idea…

The Grob Gambit: 1. g4 d5 2. Bg2 Bxg4 3. c4

Grob Gambit

White immediately strikes back against black’s central pawn. By luring black’s light-squared bishop away from c8, white has also ensured that the b7 pawn is undefended.

But black has ways to deal with the pressure, and this sacrifice is often considered rather dubious from white’s perspective. One key point, which I only recently discovered, is that black stands better even if they fall for white’s “trap!”

3…dxc4!? 4. Bxb7 Nd7 5. Bxa8 Qxa8 6. f3 e5

Grob Gambit Exchange Line

White succeeds in winning the exchange in the corner, but black has two pawns for the exchange – so by “point count,” black isn’t even down material! Further, the black pieces are more active, black has a space advantage, and white has no developed pieces. I’d prefer to have the black pieces here.

Of course, black doesn’t have to resort to such an extravagant option to get a good position against the Grob Gambit. 3…c6 remains the most popular move, and after 4. cxd5 cxd5 5. Qb3:

Grob Gambit Mainline

White’s point is revealed. The d5 and b7 pawn are both under attack, and white will recoup his lost pawn.

However, after 5…Nf6 6. Qxb7 Nbd7, black’s position is promising. For example, one master-level game from 2009 continued 7. d4 Rb8 8. Qxa7 Qc8!

Greedy Grob

White is already busted. Black’s last move is a double attack, threatening to take the bishop on c1 and also to trap the queen with …Ra8!

9. Bf4 was the only try (saving the bishop and giving the queen access to the c7 square),but was insufficient to save white after 9…e5 10. dxe5 Bc5! 11. Qa4 Rb4 when black’s position is overwhelming. A good lesson about being too greedy with the queen in the opening!

2. h3 – The Calm Alternative

In light of the lines analyzed above, white might be better-served to avoid sacrificing the g4 pawn. White can spend a tempo to defend this pawn, and only later play Bg2 and strike at black’s center.

Of course, this gives black an extra tempo to take central space with 2…e5:


Calm Grob Opening

Black has scored well from this position too – it certainly seems that their position is more aligned with classical opening principles. White can play 3. Bg2, and now black often preemptively blunts this bishop with 3…c6

Now after 4. d4 e4 5. c4:


Grob line

White begins the process of trying to tear down black’s center. At the end of the video above, I analyze a game where white was successful in this aim after a black error!


The Grob Opening remains a fun surprise weapon at amateur level (I recall meeting a class A player who played the Grob exclusively!), but has never been taken seriously in professional chess. Black has many paths to at least equality, and often an advantage, against any variation white chooses.

That said, if you enjoy offbeat openings that surprise your opponent, you might want to give the Grob a try!

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