The Halloween Gambit is a dubious (though exciting!) chess opening beginning with 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nxe5?!


Halloween Gambit


Instead of taking one of the more conventional approaches to the Four Knights Game, white decides to sacrifice a knight for the sake of eliminating black’s central pawn!  White will succeed in getting a huge space advantage, but a piece is a lot to invest.





After 4…Nxe5 5. d4, white achieves complete central dominance.

A Sample Game

The Halloween Gambit was one of the first openings that really captivated me as a beginner – I loved seeing games where white’s daring piece sacrifice paid off! I still remember one such game that was shown to me in 2010, which featured the first example of a “windmill” tactic that I was ever exposed to.

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Nxe5 Nxe5 5. d4 Nc6 6. d5 Ne5 7. f4




Halloween Gambit Main Line

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White is using their space advantage to bully the black knights, and after 7…Ng6 8. e5, black is forced to retreat a knight to the back rank with 8…Ng8. White now advanced onwards with 9. d6, and after 9…cxd6 10. exd6 we arrive at the following position:

Halloween Gambit Game


White is threatening to give a check on the e-file that black cannot black without losing a piece, with Qe2.  Black might want to consider moving the queen so that the king can come to the d8 square if needed.

In the game, black played 10…Qh4+? 11. g3 Qf6. Black gained nothing from provoking the move g3, so perhaps the black queen should have come to f6 straight away.

White answered with 12. Nb5, threatening to fork the king and rook.


White threatens windmill

Black played 12…Kd8 to defend the threat, but of course giving up the right to castle is a sizable concession! It’s starting to look like white has plenty of compensation for a piece.

White answered with 13. Be3 – possibly targeting the a7 pawn, but also stopping black from kicking away the knight due to the threat of a windmill tactic!

In the game, black allowed white to demonstrate the windmill by playing 13…a6?



Windmill time

14. Bb6+ Ke8 15. Nc7+ Kd8 16. Nxa8+ Ke8 17. Nc7+ Ke8 18. Nxa6+ (Why not take this pawn too? Every move comes with check!) Kd8 19. Nc7+ Ke8 20. Nd5+


White wins

And white wins.

Defending the Halloween Gambit

The above game illustrates the power of the Halloween Gambit – black was lost in under 15 moves!

But black’s play in the above game was flawed.  Let’s consider some improvements for black, so that you’ll know what to do in case the Halloween Gambit is played against you.

If black played 10…Qf6 in the above game,  then white’s idea might not have worked as well. 11. Nb5 Nxf4!

A sacrifice

This surprising sacrifice takes the air out of white’s sails.  Black grabs the f-pawn, and allows white to fork the king and rook.

Remember that white has already sacrificed a piece, so black will not be down a full rook – only down the exchange! After 12. Nc7+ Kd8 13. Nxa8 Qe5+, for instance:

Exchange sac

Black has excellent compensation for the exchange.  The d6 pawn will likely fall, and after white blocks this check, the g2 pawn will also be hanging.  White’s knight could also be trapped in the corner after the d6 pawn falls.

12. Bxf4 is no better. After 12…Qxf4 13. Nc7+ Kd8 14. Nxa8 Bxd6, the white knight is trapped and white is critically weak on the dark squares.


White also has a good 5th-move alternative in 5…Ng6. After 6. e5 Ng8:


Alternative Halloween Gambit

Black’s knight is still forced back to the 8th rank, but black avoids allowing d5 and f4 to come with tempo. White can continue with 9. Bc4, but black has ways to defend white’s active piece play.

In the video above, I cover a line where black eventually returns their extra piece in a favorable manner – always a good defensive tactic to keep in mind when your opponent has sacrificed material!


The Halloween Gambit is a dubious piece sacrifice in the opening, but it can be effective if your opponent isn’t careful.  If you play the black side of the King’s Pawn Game, make sure you know how to handle this dangerous weapon – and if you’re adventurous enough to give it a go with white, it can be a fun surprise weapon to add to your arsenal.


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